Summary descriptions of selected projects are listed below (# corresponds to Project Map):
Pipeline Siting & Construction and Other Linear Projects
#52 - Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project (FERC, BLM, and Forest Service, Oregon). Edge was contracted to work on the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project, a 232-mile greenfield, natural gas pipeline in southwest Oregon, from 2006 until its cancellation in 2021. Edge was responsible for preparation or oversight of all environmental resource reports to FERC through three separate submittal processes, the Draft Biological Assessment, and all federal, state, and local permit applications as well as support throughout the FERC’s preparation of three separate Environmental Impact Statements. The project crossed three National Forests, four BLM Districts, and Bureau of Reclamation facilities. Edge worked with each of these federal agencies through the Right-of-Way Grant application process.
#67 - Mid-America Pipeline Company Enterprise Western Expansion III Project EA (BLM, New Mexico). Edge prepared an EA for 234 miles of 16-inch natural gas liquids pipeline loops in New Mexico. The project crossed BLM-managed lands in three BLM field offices as well as Bureau of Indian Affairs-managed lands.
#66 - Mid-America Pipeline Company Western Expansion Project II (BLM Colorado Northwest District Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for a 95-mile, 16-inch natural gas liquids looping pipeline that crossed four BLM districts in Utah and Colorado.
Questar Year-Round Drilling Proposal-Condensate Pipeline Modifications EA (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). This EA included modification of a condensate pipeline route from the Pinedale Anticline Field to the Rocky Mountain Pipeline Terminal as well as changes to other existing and proposed ancillary facilities in the Pinedale Anticline Field.
#53 - Questar Rendezvous VI and Mesa Loop Pipeline Project EA (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). Environmental effects associated with a 100-mile, 30-inch natural gas pipeline from the Pinedale Anticline Field to gas processing plants in southwest Wyoming were analyzed in this EA. The project was located in Sublette, Lincoln, and Uintah counties.
#57 - Piceance Creek Pipeline Looping Project (BLM White River Field Office, Colorado). This EA included impact analysis of environmental effects associated with a proposed 20-mile, 36-inch natural gas pipeline in Rio Blanco County, Colorado.
#54 - Enterprise Logan Wash Project EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). This EA included an impact analysis associated with a 4.0-mile natural gas pipeline and adjacent water line in Garfield County, Colorado. It also included analysis of a produced water injection well and associated aboveground facilities.
Black Hills and Bluestone Water Conservancy DeBeque Pipeline EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for a 4-mile right-of-way for three co-located pipelines in Mesa County, Colorado. Edge also prepared a Biological Assessment for the project addressing effects to the endangered Colorado River fish species.
Enterprise Products Operating Development Application for Aurora Pump Station (City of Aurora, Colorado). Edge prepared the environmental section of the development application for a new pump station on an existing liquid products pipeline.
#84 - British Petroleum Wamsutter Electrification Project Plan of Development (Wyoming). Edge prepared the Plan of Development for a new 30-mile long, 3-phase single circuit 35 kB distribution line to provide power to production equipment located throughout the Wamsutter Gas Field in Sweetwater County.
#79 - Palisade Plunge Trail Environmental Assessment (Colorado). Edge prepared an EA analyzing 34 miles of new single-track trail from the top of Grand Mesa to the Town of Palisade in Mesa County, Colorado. The project required coordination with the BLM Grand Junction Field Office, the U.S. Forest Service Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forest, the Town of Palisade, Mesa County, and the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association.