National Environmental Policy Act
Edge has prepared numerous Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements to obtain approvals for projects proposed on federally-managed lands or regulated by a federal agency. Edge has worked with federal agencies and project proponents to develop project descriptions which were then used as the basis of the NEPA analyses. Edge has coordinated with agency specialists and subcontractors to ensure that the necessary surveys were conducted (i.e., cultural, wetland, biological, paleontological) to support comprehensive NEPA analyses. Projects have included oil and gas development, natural gas plants and other facilities, seismic operations, mine development, pipeline installation, transmission lines, coal leasing, fiber optic lines, railroads, and biking trails.
Oil & Gas Development
Edge assists clients with siting, project descriptions (e.g., Master of Development Plans), and identifying and obtaining the required federal, state, and local permits for oil and gas drilling projects and associated facilities on federal and non-federal lands. In addition to managing projects to obtain approval under NEPA, Edge also prepares applications for permit to drill (APDs), stormwater management plans, and spill plans. These types of projects have included a single exploratory well pad or a large development of up to 5,000 new wells in addition to gas processing plants, and water storage and treatment facilities.
Seismic Surveys
Associated with oil & gas permitting, Edge assists with permitting for 2D and 3D seismic survey operations on federal and non-federal lands.
Pipeline Siting & Construction
Edge assists clients with siting, project descriptions, and identifying and obtaining the required federal (e.g., Clean Water Act Section 401, 402, and 404; ESA Section 7; BLM/Forest Service Right-of-Way Grant, etc.), state, and local permits for FERC and non-FERC pipeline projects on federal and non-federal lands. As part of the FERC approval process, Edge prepares Resource Reports and Environmental Alignment Sheets to support the NEPA approval process. Types of projects have included: natural gas, natural gas liquids, oil, carbon dioxide, and other products.
Linear Rights-of-Way
In addition to pipelines, Edge assists clients with permitting linear facilities such as: access roads, a railroad, electric transmission lines, and a bike trail on both federal and non-federal lands.
Mine Development
In addition to obtaining approvals under NEPA, Edge supports clients in preparing Plans of Operation for mine development, which have included uranium, coal, and rare earth element mines. Additionally, Edge prepared the Environmental Report submitted to the NRC in support of obtaining a permit for a new uranium mill in Colorado.
Biological & Wetland Evaluation
Edge prepares Biological Assessments in support of ESA Section 7 Consultation and Biological Evaluations in support of the U.S. Forest Service NEPA requirements. In addition, Edge prepares Migratory Bird Conservation Plans, Habitat Management Plans, Fish Salvage Plans, Wetland Mitigation Plans, Plant Conservation Plans, and has managed multiple field surveys, survey data, and survey reports.
Erosion Control & Restoration
In support of various projects, Edge prepares stormwater management plans, spill plans, and erosion control and restoration plans. Edge also conducts site visits during and post construction to assess and assist with permit compliance.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Edge has decades of experience using ESRI ArcMap to digitize project footprints, georeference imagery, import survey data, import kmz/kml files, analyze/calculate project impacts, and create figures and maps for reports. Edge also has decades of experience using AutoCAD to produce pipeline alignment sheets as well as typical drawings and figures. Edge is well-versed in database management.
Expert Witness
Edge has provided expert witness testimony for a pipeline construction company in a dispute regarding pipeline construction. Edge also provided expert witness testimony in the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission rulemaking under Senate Bill 181.
Solar Development
Edge has prepared a Plan of Development for a solar project proposed on BLM-managed lands as well as a Conditional Use Permit application required by the county.