Summary descriptions of selected projects are listed below (# corresponds to Project Map):
Oil & Gas Development (including Seismic)
#80 - Gunnison Energy North Fork Mancos Master Development Plan EA (BLM Uncompahgre Field Office and Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forest, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for a 35-well, five-well pad oil and gas development in Delta and Gunnison counties, Colorado. Analyses included effects to water resources from hydraulic fracturing and effects to the threatened yellow-billed cuckoo and big game winter range. Edge also prepared the Biological Assessment and Biological Evaluation and Management Indicator Species Report.
#38 - Pinedale Anticline Oil and Gas Development EIS and Supplemental EIS (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). Edge was the third-party contractor for the Pinedale Anticline Oil and Gas Exploration and Development EIS and Supplemental EIS (SEIS), one of the largest oil and gas NEPA projects in Wyoming. The project included analyzing more than 4,000 new wells in the Pinedale Anticline Field as well as two 36-inch natural gas pipelines. Edge was responsible for overall project management of the SEIS which included interfacing with the local BLM Project Manager in the Pinedale Field Office as well as BLM personnel in the Wyoming State Office. Edge was also responsible for all subcontractors, participation in BLM interdisciplinary team meetings, and final preparation and review of all documents (Scoping Notice, Scoping Report, Preliminary Draft SEIS, Biological Assessment, Revised Draft SEIS, Comment Analysis, Final SEIS, and Administrative Record)
#46 - True Oil Lander Peak Exploration and Development EA (Bridger-Teton National Forest Big Piney Ranger District, Wyoming). This project included analysis for exploratory wells on the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Sublette County. Edge also prepared the Biological Assessment, Biological Evaluation, and the Management Indicator Species Report. The project is adjacent to lands withdrawn under the Wyoming Range Legacy Act.
#60 - ASU (Anschutz, Shell and Ultra) Year-Round Demonstration Project EA (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). This EA analyzed the impacts of year-round drilling in big game crucial winter range and greater sage-grouse nesting habitats from three well pads with two drilling rigs on each pad.
#62 - Questar Year-Round Drilling Proposal EA (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). This EA included an analysis of year-round drilling and a liquids gathering system within Questar’s leases in the Pinedale Anticline.
#43 - Black Hills DeBeque Exploratory Proposal EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). The EA included an analysis of a natural gas exploration program with 12 multi-well pads and associated roads, pipelines, and compressors in Mesa and Garfield counties, Colorado. The development is located in an area occupied by an extensive number of threatened and endangered plants (Colorado Hookless Cactus and Debeque Phacelia) as well as BLM special status plants. Edge prepared a Programmatic Biological Assessment to evaluate potential project effects to listed species. The project area also coincides with big game sensitive wildlife habitats.
#45 - Fram Americas, LLC Whitewater Unit Exploration and Development Project EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). Edge conducted impact analysis for oil exploration within the Whitewater Unit in Mesa County, Colorado. The Proposed Action included construction of 12 multi-well pads and associated infrastructure including roads, pipelines, and storage facilities. A Programmatic Biological Assessment was prepared to address effects to listed species including Colorado hookless cactus and the Colorado endangered fish species.
Black Hills Homer Deep Master Development Plan EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). The EA analyzed oil and gas development in Mesa and Garfield counties, Colorado. Edge also prepared the Biological Assessment addressing potential impacts to the threatened Colorado hookless cactus and the endangered Colorado River fish species.
#69 & #70 - Noble Energy Inc. Marys River and Huntington Oil and Gas Development Project EAs (BLM Elko District Office, Nevada). Edge analyzed two separate projects in two locations with the same Proposed Action which included construction and operation of up to 20 multi-well pads. Both projects are within priority greater sage-grouse habitat and portions of the California National Historic Trail coincide with the project areas.
Marys River 3D and Huntington Valley Seismic Projects (BLM Elko District Office, Nevada). Edge prepared the EAs for 3D seismic on BLM-managed lands within the Wells and Tuscarora Field Offices, respectively.
#42 - Enterprise Meeker Gas Plant Expansion EA (BLM White River Field Office, Colorado). Edge conducted impact analysis for expansion of the Meeker Gas Plant in Rio Blanco County, Colorado. The project also included a transmission line to deliver power to the expanded facility.
#77 - Dawson 2D Seismic Wilderness and Roadless Analysis (Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Utah). Edge prepared analyses to support a Categorical Exclusion for seismic activities within the High Uintas Roadless Area and Wilderness Areas.
#71 - Ball 3D Seismic Exploration Project (Pawnee Ranger District, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Colorado). Edge prepared the EA for 3D seismic activities on the Pawnee National Grasslands.
#78 - Alanco Energy Services, Inc. Indian Mesa Disposal Facility EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared the EA for a disposal facility in Mesa County, Colorado. The project included installation of a 620 foot 7.2 kV overhead power line.
Pipeline Siting & Construction and Other Linear Projects
#52 - Pacific Gas Connector Pipeline Project (FERC, BLM, and Forest Service, Oregon). Edge has been contracted to Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, LP since 2006 for work associated with the Pacific Gas Connector Project, which is a 232-mile greenfield, natural gas pipeline in southwest Oregon. Edge has been responsible for preparation of all environmental resource reports to FERC, the Draft Biological Assessment, and all federal, state, and local permit applications. The project crosses three National Forests, four BLM Districts, and Bureau of Reclamation facilities. Edge has worked with each of these federal agencies through the Right-of-Way Grant application process.
#67 - Mid-America Pipeline Company Enterprise Western Expansion III Project EA (BLM, New Mexico). Edge prepared an EA for 234 miles of 16-inch natural gas liquids pipeline loops in New Mexico. The project crossed BLM-managed lands in three BLM field offices as well as Bureau of Indian Affairs-managed lands.
#66 - Mid-America Pipeline Company Western Expansion Project II (BLM Colorado Northwest District Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for a 95-mile, 16-inch natural gas liquids looping pipeline that crossed four BLM districts in Utah and Colorado.
Questar Year-Round Drilling Proposal-Condensate Pipeline Modifications EA (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). This EA included modification of a condensate pipeline route from the Pinedale Anticline Field to the Rocky Mountain Pipeline Terminal as well as changes to other existing and proposed ancillary facilities in the Pinedale Anticline Field.
#53 - Questar Rendezvous VI and Mesa Loop Pipeline Project EA (BLM Pinedale Field Office, Wyoming). Environmental effects associated with a 100-mile, 30-inch natural gas pipeline from the Pinedale Anticline Field to gas processing plants in southwest Wyoming were analyzed in this EA. The project was located in Sublette, Lincoln, and Uintah counties.
#57 - Piceance Creek Pipeline Looping Project (BLM White River Field Office, Colorado). This EA included impact analysis of environmental effects associated with a proposed 20-mile, 36-inch natural gas pipeline in Rio Blanco County, Colorado.
#54 - Enterprise Logan Wash Project EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). This EA included an impact analysis associated with a 4.0-mile natural gas pipeline and adjacent water line in Garfield County, Colorado. It also included analysis of a produced water injection well and associated aboveground facilities.
Black Hills and Bluestone Water Conservancy DeBeque Pipeline EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for a 4-mile right-of-way for three co-located pipelines in Mesa County, Colorado. Edge also prepared a Biological Assessment for the project addressing effects to the endangered Colorado River fish species.
Enterprise Products Operating Development Application for Aurora Pump Station (City of Aurora, Colorado). Edge prepared the environmental section of the development application for a new pump station on an existing liquid products pipeline.
#84 - British Petroleum Wamsutter Electrification Project Plan of Development (Wyoming). Edge prepared the Plan of Development for a new 30-mile long, 3-phase single circuit 35 kB distribution line to provide power to production equipment located throughout the Wamsutter Gas Field in Sweetwater County.
#79 - Palisade Plunge Trail Environmental Assessment (Colorado). Edge prepared EA analyzing 34 miles of new single-track trail from the top of Grand Mesa to the Town of Palisade in Mesa County, Colorado. The project required coordination with the BLM Grand Junction Field Office, the U.S. Forest Service Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forest, the Town of Palisade, Mesa County, and the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association.
Mine Development
#72 - Rare Element Resources Bear Lodge Project Plan of Development (Black Hills National Forest/Bearlodge Ranger District). Edge prepared the Plan of Operations for an open pit rare element mine in northeastern Wyoming. The project included a 2-mile overhead distribution power line extension to supply power to the mine. Edge also prepared the Environmental Report to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and annual reporting to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.
#73 - Energy Fuels Sheep Mountain Uranium Project EIS (BLM Lander Field Office, Wyoming). Edge prepared an EIS as the third-party contractor to the BLM Lander Field Office for a development of a uranium mine near Jeffrey City, Wyoming.
Energy Fuels Daneros Uranium Mine Plan Modification EA (BLM Monticello Field Office, Utah). Edge drafted an applicant-prepared EA to be submitted to the BLM Monticello Field Office for a modification to an existing uranium mine in southeast Utah.
#44 - Energy Fuels Piñon Ridge Uranium Mill Environmental Report (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado). Edge prepared an Environmental Report (similar to an EIS) in support of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Radioactive Materials License application. The proposed Piñon Ridge Uranium Mill would be the first uranium mill permitted in the United States in over 30 years. The project would be located entirely on private land and therefore, a NEPA analysis was not required.
#8 - Peabody Energy Twentymile Mine Coal Lease-by Application EA (BLM Little Snake Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for the 640-acre coal lease-by-application. Peabody Energy applied for an additional coal lease to be able to continue their mining at their existing Foidel Creek Mine in Moffat County Colorado. Major resource concerns included impacts to air quality, socioeconomics, water resources, and special status species.
#49 - Rhino Energy McClane Canyon Coal Mine Lease Modification EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA analyzing the effects of leasing an additional 320 acres to support ongoing production at the McClane Canyon Coal Mine in Garfield County.
#59 - Rhino Energy Book Cliffs Coal Lease-by-Application EIS (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). Edge began working on an EIS analyzing the effects of leasing 14,760 acres to support an underground coal mine in Garfield County, Colorado. The project was placed on hold.
#75 - Bowie Resources, LLC, Bowie Coal Lease Modification Application EA (BLM Uncompahgre Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for modification of two existing federal coal leases to allow expansion of the operating coal mine.
#75 - Bowie Resources, LLC Spruce Stomp Coal Lease-by Application EA (BLM Uncompahgre Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared an EA for a lease-by-application covering 1,789 acres adjacent to existing coal leases held by Bowie.
#40 - Energy Fuels Resources Whirlwind Mine Uranium Mining Project EA (BLM Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado). This EA included an analysis of the environmental effects of an underground uranium mine and associated ancillary facilities and vent shafts in Mesa County, Colorado.
Solar Development
Buffalo Peaks Ranch LLC Plan of Development for the High Creek Solar Farm (BLM Royal Gorge Field Office, Colorado). Edge prepared the Plan of Development for a nominal 125 megawatt (MW) solar energy-generating power plant in Park County. Edge also prepared the local county land use application.
FERC Certificate Applications
Edge’s team prepared the following FERC filings as well as the required federal, state, and local permit applications (ESA Section 7; CWA Sections 404, 402, 401; CZM; State wetland, wildlife, forestry; county conditional use, critical areas, shoreline).
#52 - Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline Project. 2017, 2013, 2007. 232-mile greenfield pipeline through southwestern Oregon to and LNG terminal on Coos Bay.
#82 - North Seattle Lateral Upgrade. 2018. 6-mile replacement lateral in western Washington.
#81 - North Fork Nooksack Line Lowering. 2018. Lowering ~28 feet and replacing 1,700 feet of 30-inch and removing 1,550 feet of 26-inch in western Washington.
South Seattle Lateral Expansion 2013. 4-mile replacement lateral in western Washington.
North Seattle Lateral Expansion. 2012. 2-mile replacement lateral in western Washington.
Spokane Pipeline Replacement. 2011. 5-mile removal/abandonment/replacement in eastern Washington.
#58 - Molalla Capacity Replacement Project. 2011. 15-mile abandonment and 8-mile looping project in western Oregon.
#63 - Blue Bridge. 2009. Cancelled. Prepared Resource Reports 1 and 10 for a 153-mile looping project.
#51 - Parachute Lateral. 2006. 38-mile lateral in western Colorado
#50 - Capacity Replacement. 2006. 80-mile looping project through multiple counties and cities in western Washington.
#13 - White River Replacement. 2003. Two horizontal directional drills to replace pipes under the White River in Washington.
#11 - Evergreen Expansion. 2003. 28-mile looping project through multiple counties and cities in western Washington.
#9 - High Desert Lateral. 2002. 30-mile lateral in southern California.
#10 - Grays Harbor Lateral. 2002. 50-mile lateral in western Washington.
#12 - Everett Delta Lateral. 2000 and 2004. 9-mile lateral in western Washington.
#6 - Northwest Expansion II. 1993. 55-mile pipeline and added compression in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming.
#4 - Northwest Expansion I. 1991. 378-mile pipeline and added compression in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado.